Monday, May 26, 2014

Busy Bee: Part I


You have been on busy little bee this month. You've hit a few milestones to say the least! 

The first and most humbling experience happened the Saturday before Mother's Day. Daddy & I dedicated you at church. This is called child dedication, but it is much more like parent dedication. We are dedicating our parenting to God. We are choosing to be intentional with how we raise you. Making decision that will provide you a life rich in love and a joyful relationship with Christ. I hope you understand we don't want to enforce religion or rules on you. Your

walk with Christ is your walk, not ours. We can't do this for you. We can't force you into church groups or prayer time. We are simply choosing to publically committ our example for you. We are two people who have found joy and true unconditional love with Christ. We tithe, pray and serve because of our relationship with Christ. We pray this dedication for us will be a standard for you. 

AnnaBella, Christ loves you no matter what you have done. You can never be too bad and you can't earn him by being good. You need to walk and talk with him daily. He's your father and your friend. Healer and compass. I pray you see this always.

We love you very much,

Daddy & Momma

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Run the race


This post means a lot to me. I hope through my words you learn a few valuable lessons. It's a 3 parter, so follow along. 

Here's the back ground story...Aunt Kym went to Galveston to a bacherlorette party. The bacherlorette party consisted of a group of girls running a 5k while the bride & a friend ran a half marathon. Tragically, when the bride crossed the finish line she collapsed and passed away. 

Part I: I want you to see the bride is this story. Her name is Kaytie. I didn't know Kaytie, but now I'm fully aware of her legacy. A young woman who was loved, loved others, loved God, loved health & fitness...Kaytie left an amazing legacy. I pray as you live your life you keep in mind the legacy you are leaving. What will people remember you by? 

Part II: One of the girls that was at the race when Kaytie passed had planned to run a relay marathon with Aunt Kym. After the event she wasn't emotionally ready to run the relay. Aunt Kym asked around for runners and I volunteered. I hope you see a few things here. I hope you see Aunt Kym picking herself up after a loss and fighting. I hope you see that she's such a good friend to your momma that I offered to run 7.6 miles for her. Lastly, I hope you see that when you have a good friend you should be there for them in any circumstance. I hope you understand you can listen, talk, run to them. Sometimes you can just run.

Part III: This entire story has one consistent verb. Running. Running is my therapy. Through running I am strong, able, relieved, refreshed and happy. I can push myself to places I've never been. Accomplish new goals. Challenge myself. Find new friends. Fit into a community. Relate to many people. When I was a high school athlete running was punishment. I wasn't on the track team, I wasn't particularly fast, I couldn't run for long periods. I really had no desire to run until your Daddy bought me a pair of running shoes and a subscription to Runners World for Christmas, after I told him I thought I wanted to train for a 5k. Then after training and meeting other runners I have realized that it's truly not that much about your distance, pace or ability. It's not about how you place against others. If you lace up those shoes, shuffle down the road, push yourself. You my sweet girl, you are a runner. 

So, long post I know. You have to admit you have a pretty wise Momma. That's 3 topics of life lessons. Leave a legacy. Be a good friend. Run, just run.
