Saturday, November 23, 2013

Momma's Cookin'

You always hear people talk about their Momma's cookin'. They love it, there's nothing like it, and they miss it when it's not there every day. I remember wanting my mom's spaghetti all the time after I left home. That's the way I make my spaghetti now. When you think of Momma's cookin', you think of fondness. Well, not my kid.

Bella Dozer had her first vegetable. Now let me tell you I've been EAGERLY awaiting this day. I was truly excited to make her baby food. Hibdon always jokes that he married me for my cooking. So, naturally I was excited to give my baby the same happiness. Yeah, not exactly how it happened.

I purchased this awesome baby food processor by cusineart. (Highly recommend, A+++. It's easy and works great.) I made a full batch of carrots, thinking she will love carrots. They are a sweeter veggie. My mommy dreams were crushed. She literally acted like she was gagging. She left the carrots on the tip of her tongue, hack and gagged. Slightly on the dramatic side. We tried for quite some time to get the down. Didn't work so well. We've tried them 4 days now. She's getting to be okay with them. That's it though. Not excited. Some people are hard to please. 

I'm not going to let it drive me too crazy because what really does this kid know about food? She's only had milk. Yeah, that's right. I can still be the Pioneer Woman of the Hibdon house. Right? Please say yes. I'm a mom this really is about all I have. 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Aunt Randi

On October 26th, Aunt Randi became Aunt Randi officially. ABJ, we are thrilled. 

We love Aunt Randi. She's the peanut butter to our jelly, the Mac to our cheese, she's the last piece of our family. Oh yeah, she's pretty darn good to Uncle Wil. 

So, when we heard the news, the date was set, we all thought "it's about time". We were so excited as the day approached. It was your first time to stay in a hotel, you loved it. We made the drive Friday night for the rehearsal dinner. Delightful food & meeting loads of people. You finally got to love on Shirley & David Joe. They've been waiting on that one. That bought you the most perfect outfit & peacoat. You love it! 

Saturday morning we were up & getting ready pretty early. You chilled in the hotel room with Daddy & Papa. Then we got you all gorgeous and made it just in time for pictures. Everything was perfect. The wedding, you and the lovely couple. 

Great job on being a charmer, not throwing a fit and keeping Aunt Randi calm moments before she walked out. Oh how I love, love.

Monday, November 4, 2013

5 Months of ABJ

So remember last month when I said it was my favorite? Well, I have a new favorite. This month!!! 

5 whole months. It's so crazy that we are quickly approaching the half year mark. AnnaBella Jane you are without a doubt the light of our lives. We call you "angel baby" often. You are so sweet to us. You love to snuggle. Our routine every night is rice cereal, in which you eat every bite and making sounds that are pretty similar to mmmmm. I swear to this, I have witnesses to prove it. Who knows where you could have picked that one up. Then you get a bath. You love to hang your legs off the chair & kick them for a big splash. After that we lotion you down & sing songs. We head down stairs for a little play time and book reading. You eventually get tired. You save the best for last. You want your Momma, your blanket, your lamby, your bottle & a good snuggle session. Usually within 5 minutes you are out. You will sleep on Momma as long as I like. This usually results in me staying up later just for extra snuggles. 

You are almost always happy, happy, happy (this is a Duck Dynasty reference, it's a big show right now)  in the morning. You are chatty, smiley and giggley. You love school & do very well. This month you are getting bumped up to the next class. Momma was proud of you, Daddy was broken hearted. 

When you are at home your play consists of a rotation of your jumper, walker, bouncer, tummy time in which you play your little piano & reading with Momma. You love your puppy that sings with you, still get sucked into Daddy's guitar and are taking more of an interest in Maddy. 

As always here's what Daddy thinks about you....

1) What's your favorite thing to do with AnnaBella? Feeling your new teeth!

2) What's your favorite memory from this month? The way she kicks back when she takes a bath.

3) What big thing did AnnaBella accomplish this month?
Being able to sit up all by herself. 

4) What are you looking forward to next month? She's going to the bear class at daycare

This is what I said....

1) What's your favorite thing to do with AnnaBella? Snuggle & read. It's our special time. 

2) What's your favorite memory from this month? Last Sunday, we were snuggling on the couch. AB let me read several books. It was so sweet. 

3) What big thing did AnnaBella accomplish this month?
She can sit up without any assistance to play & she got two teeth! 

4) What are you looking forward to next month? Time to try baby food!