I just love that song when there's good news to be heard. Now I just imagine myself in a black sparkly get-up, tux jacket with tails and tall black hat. I'll do a high kick, baby bump exposed and I'll sing loudly, "Start Spreadin' the News".
Okay, so maybe our announcement of Baby H was a little less elaborate. I will say surprising everyone and hearing their excitement was the most fun. It's hard to describe how special it was to share this excitement that had been building for months. Hibdon and I found out about Baby H at the end of September. You've heard the story, it took us a little while to let it sink in. I have also had some issues with my thyroid, they made me unsure that the news could be true. Lastly, we experienced a loss with two people who are so very close to us. This made my anxiety rise even higher. So on October 29th we had an appointment and got the green light to....you guessed it... Start Spreadin the News!!!
Big Brother and I at our favorite tailgating spot in Fayetteville |
Radi-Doll and I at TT's Oktoberfest 2011 |
I will say we did tell a couple a little early, well a lot early. Big Brother and Randi-doll were the first to hear. Hibdon and I made our new traditional trip to Bella Vista to see Big Brother and go to a Hogs game. We love this, we ALWAYS have such a good time. I also love a good battery recharging at Big Brother's, in the middle of the Ozarks. So here's how it went down... Big Brother and I were walking Marly and Yella Dog. Big Brother tells me some great news, he raises his hand to give me a high-five. I freeze, I don't say congrats, good job, proud of you. It just came out, I had an out of body experience. The words slipped out and there in the middle of the Ozarks, I said it. "I'm pregnant". He let out a big laughed and grinned real big, looking just like Daddy. He gave me a side hug and we kept on walking. Randi-doll heard the news via email, all the way in Italy. I'm sure she ate an extra plate of pasta for me.
CC at Olive Garden |
After keeping it a secret for the month of October, I for one was relieved to tell my big secret. I haven't ever been good at keeping secrets. I'm somewhat of a chatty Kathy. So, it started with my Momma (Baby H's CC). CC and I went to Olive Garden for our usual Mother-Daughter date. I purchased a cake and had all the different names for Grandma written on it. I slid the cake in front of her, she was confused. I then showed her the ultrasound pictures. She said, "Well, how about that". She was shocked. She's not shocked anymore, she's beaming with excitement. She will never be called grandma, but she will love the sound of Baby H wanting CC.
Hibdon at his MBA graduation in 2011 |
The next to know was Gpa and Hon. Hibdon had an elaborate plan from day one of Baby H. He wanted a big family dinner, a prayer and he was going to blurt it out. Well, I let Hibdon do the planning. He's a boy, it didn't go well. So once his plans fell through, he made a mad dash to Barnsdall and told Gpa and Hon they would be enjoying a new grandbaby. They were excited. I'm still waiting their pic, but here's one that I love from 2011.
Shortly after it was Papa, he had just gotten home from the school. He walked in and I told him, I have a present for you. I pulled the framed picture out and he was slightly confused. I then asked him if he wanted to be called Papa. His eyes got misty and he smiled really big. He had been wanting a grandbaby for a while now. So, he was a little excited when he heard his baby was having a baby.
Papa holding his new pride & joy |
Aunt Sara Beth and Aunt Aub |
Then we told our crew. Uncle Shayne, Aunt Aub, Uncle Speed-dog and Aunt Sara Beth. The turkeys already knew. They had been watching our every move the past 6 months hoping for a sign. Of course it became more obvious the last month. So just in case we were going to tell them, they were prepared. There was a signed card, sparkling grape juice, hugs and I held back tears. We were excited, E even gave us an applause.
We then told the rest of our friends and made a FB announcement. You know to make it official. Tator knew a little early, I can't keep things from her. Bill heard that day via text message, she was a little busy. Now we have changed our group conversations from randoms to Baby H talk.
Bigheart Day 5k with Bill & Tator |
Kayla & Jade, Kristin & Levi, Meghan & Bentyn, Baby H & Me |
The last group to be surprised are three of my sweetest friends. All moms and all amazing women. There's Kayla whom I have grown up with, lived just down the street from her. She also married a man that has been like a brother to me from birth. There's Kristin, my soul sister. She married my cousin Russ and it made my life complete. Kristin is also the future care-taker of Baby H when I return to work. Lastly, there's Meg, sweet Meg. She is new to my friend life and I swear we are on the same wave length. We had great lunch time convos about life, religion and politics. She has been gone for 49 days (so my instant messenger at work states). She's at home with one of Baby H's future playmates, Bentyn. Telling these girls was fun. Here's the setting...McAlister's at lunch, we all gathered our food and had a seat. We are talking about their babies and adoring Baby Bentyn. Then I tell them I have a CRAZY story. I start with something about the movie filming in town, throw in a work comment (it was the most random story). My heart is pounding, hands are shaking and I am try my HARDEST to mask my smile. Then I say, "I'm just kidding, I'm pregnant". Meg almost chokes on her food, Kristin gasps and tears start to come and Kayla had a look of total shock then straight to a smile. It was so fun telling them. I can't wait, I really mean it. I am so excited to see our babies grow together, play together, learn from one another and become great friends. Maybe some day Baby H will sit down at a table with Jade, Levi and Bentyn to spread the news.
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