Monday marks the half way point of my pregnancy..... HOLY CRAP
My princess will be here soon. She will be sweet, beautiful, this little angel to change our lives. She will also probably wake us up in the middle of the night, cry when we are exhausted, poop all over the place, and still manage to have us wrapped around her little finger. If I could go to day one of my pregnancy and tell myself a few things that could make it easier or less stressful, I would. I've compiled the below list for me to remember at the next pregnancy. Let's face it, if I wait until the end I won't remember half of these tips. I barely remember if I put conditioner in my hair as it is.
1) You are pregnant. It's God's design not yours. Get over it and move on. No, it's not your body. It's all going to change. Pull up your big girl panties. Turn the page. Dry your eyes, Cowgirls don't cry. Stop freaking out.
2) Lance Peanut Butter Cheese Crackers, buy in bulk. Keep these in your purse, desk at work, night stand, console and pantry.
3) Know where your nearest toilet or trash can is at all times, you did pretty good with this.
4) Drink more water, even when you think you have drank enough, drink more. You thought you were a water drinker before. You don't even compare to the water you need now.
5) Chocolate Boost will be the only thing you can keep down at times. Probably the best source of calcium you will get as well.
6) Start your spinach smoothies earlier, they are good for your and taste surprisingly delicious. I don't know what you were avoiding.
7) Potty breaks should be taken every hour on the hour. Make sure you go before you leave and as soon as you get there. Girl, there's no holding it.
8) Why did you stop running in the first trimester? Walking the dog was not enough exercise. Thankfully you found the elliptical at the beginning of the second trimester.
9) You need your sleep. The first trimester you will only sleep. Stop feeling guilty for that. Enjoy it. It's the only time you are allowed to be lazy, it's medically necessary.
10) Don't buy pants two sizes too big, they still don't fit you. That's was dumb. Use the rubber band trick, even if you don't feel "put together". Or break down and buy maternity pants.
11) Bangs- they are really cute on you, but your hair grows too fast. Getting them trimmed every week is not worth it. Try the swoopy kind, maybe those will last.
12) Find a prescription prenatal that is one pill and you like taking. The two pills at night are not fun.
Surely this will get me through next time. I can't remember much more. I can't really remember if I actually bought the OJ at the store and left it yesterday or just never put it in my cart. I don't think there are any tips and tricks for pregnancy brain.
Half way there. Can't believe it. Baby H will be here before we know it. I've gained 8 lbs. I read up on it and this is the lower end of normal. I am okay with it, as long as it's normal. All of my blood tests have came back with normal reports. Thyroid is doing good. My hair is growing like crazy and my nails are strong. No real significant cravings other than sugar, the good and bad kind. The Hibdon's are just truckin' along.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Christmas Blessings
This Christmas I really tried to take a mental picture of how wonderful it was. I tried to hold in the blessings and cherish them. I really wanted to savor the holiday, family time and remember the last Christmas before Hibdon and I become parents. I did, I enjoyed, but my mind kept thinking to next year and my AnnaBella. All the family talks were about next year, this and next year, that. I guess we can't contain our excitement. I will savor this cold Christmas and remember it with warm blessings.
December 21st- Hibdon and I were cozy in the house, fire going and tree lit. Maddy snugged up next to me. We spent some quality time together and then I notice a facial mask sticking out of my stocking. Oh, P.S., Hibdon enjoys stuffing my stocking the first week of December. It's the most self control I can ever muster to not peak. I did see the mask and thought of our upcoming date, my favorite date, the tradition he started our first Christmas seeing one another. So I causally informed Hibdon I would be using that, for beauty purposes. I tried to get him to join's skin could benefit as well. It was a no-go, but my face felt amazing!
December 22nd- Sar-Bear and I made the trip to OKC to get a last shop at the outlets in. We claimed we couldn't find what we wanted in Tulsa, but we really just needed and excuse for Kym time. We just love her. She met us, we had a ball. The Hardin's need to move closer. We were back in Green Country by 3, just enough time for Hibdon and I to do our gift exchange and get pretty for our date night.
Date night was finally here, The Nutcracker. I love this date night. Hibdon and I started dating one another in October, not too serious in December. Instead of getting gifts he bought tickets to the Nutcracker and I bought a pretty dress to wear. This would mark the 5th Nutcracker Anniversary for us. Hibdon isn't the biggest ballet fan, but he goes and enjoys himself for me. Which makes me love him even more. So maybe I was a little late getting ready and the night forced me to say "You're right" three times. Those words taste awful coming out. I still loved the night. We had Flemings, the made it right on time. Right after Hibdon had to drive like a manic to get there, we had to pay for parking in quarters because I forgot to grab cash and I about knocked over a 8 year old getting to the restroom. I spent the night seeing little girls with their Daddy's excited to see the ballerinas. I thought of AnnaBella. I asked Adam if he was excited to do this with her. His reply, " This is our date Barbie Doll, I like it being us. Her Gpa can take her, that can be their special date. I want to save this for you." My reply, "You're right".
December 23rd- Church with Momma and Hibdon, then present time with Momma. Loved it, so did Maddy, she got a new bed. Oh to be a dog. The night consisted of Momma and I whipping up a million Christmas goodies with the new Kitchen Aide mixer Hibdon bought me. We made cinnamon rolls (PW style), Snickers cheesecake (my first ever), cupcakes, fudge, chex mix and tortilla roll ups. Mema always said, "the fastest way to a man's heart is through his belly". I think Momma and I nailed it. This night I thought of AnnaBella in a little apron right in the middle of us helping. In due time.
December 24th- Off to Gpa and Hon's we had loads of E time. He had a good practice Christmas, of opening presents before AnnaBella gets here. He's ready to help her next year. Lots of card games. Hibdon won in Jubile, he didn't even have to play on his looks. Shayne and Hibdon beat SIL and I in Spades, a blind neal went bad. Loads of laugh until you cry moments, videos from the past, and new memories made.
December 25th- Up at 7 to a little man saying Choo Choo at his new train. Watched him open presents, ate a breakfast feast with Hon's special casseroles and visited family throughout Barnsdall. Couldn't have made it better.
AnnaBella, I'm excited for all the Christmas blessings you will have coming your way. I hope you felt the warmth this year.
December 21st- Hibdon and I were cozy in the house, fire going and tree lit. Maddy snugged up next to me. We spent some quality time together and then I notice a facial mask sticking out of my stocking. Oh, P.S., Hibdon enjoys stuffing my stocking the first week of December. It's the most self control I can ever muster to not peak. I did see the mask and thought of our upcoming date, my favorite date, the tradition he started our first Christmas seeing one another. So I causally informed Hibdon I would be using that, for beauty purposes. I tried to get him to join's skin could benefit as well. It was a no-go, but my face felt amazing!
December 22nd- Sar-Bear and I made the trip to OKC to get a last shop at the outlets in. We claimed we couldn't find what we wanted in Tulsa, but we really just needed and excuse for Kym time. We just love her. She met us, we had a ball. The Hardin's need to move closer. We were back in Green Country by 3, just enough time for Hibdon and I to do our gift exchange and get pretty for our date night.
Date night was finally here, The Nutcracker. I love this date night. Hibdon and I started dating one another in October, not too serious in December. Instead of getting gifts he bought tickets to the Nutcracker and I bought a pretty dress to wear. This would mark the 5th Nutcracker Anniversary for us. Hibdon isn't the biggest ballet fan, but he goes and enjoys himself for me. Which makes me love him even more. So maybe I was a little late getting ready and the night forced me to say "You're right" three times. Those words taste awful coming out. I still loved the night. We had Flemings, the made it right on time. Right after Hibdon had to drive like a manic to get there, we had to pay for parking in quarters because I forgot to grab cash and I about knocked over a 8 year old getting to the restroom. I spent the night seeing little girls with their Daddy's excited to see the ballerinas. I thought of AnnaBella. I asked Adam if he was excited to do this with her. His reply, " This is our date Barbie Doll, I like it being us. Her Gpa can take her, that can be their special date. I want to save this for you." My reply, "You're right".
December 23rd- Church with Momma and Hibdon, then present time with Momma. Loved it, so did Maddy, she got a new bed. Oh to be a dog. The night consisted of Momma and I whipping up a million Christmas goodies with the new Kitchen Aide mixer Hibdon bought me. We made cinnamon rolls (PW style), Snickers cheesecake (my first ever), cupcakes, fudge, chex mix and tortilla roll ups. Mema always said, "the fastest way to a man's heart is through his belly". I think Momma and I nailed it. This night I thought of AnnaBella in a little apron right in the middle of us helping. In due time.
December 24th- Off to Gpa and Hon's we had loads of E time. He had a good practice Christmas, of opening presents before AnnaBella gets here. He's ready to help her next year. Lots of card games. Hibdon won in Jubile, he didn't even have to play on his looks. Shayne and Hibdon beat SIL and I in Spades, a blind neal went bad. Loads of laugh until you cry moments, videos from the past, and new memories made.
December 25th- Up at 7 to a little man saying Choo Choo at his new train. Watched him open presents, ate a breakfast feast with Hon's special casseroles and visited family throughout Barnsdall. Couldn't have made it better.
AnnaBella, I'm excited for all the Christmas blessings you will have coming your way. I hope you felt the warmth this year.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Angel Cousins
As I said last week, Papa had surgery. He is recovering really well and things are going great. A little catch to having Papa out is that he is the primary care giver for my Mema. Mema has Parkinson's disease, is aging quickly, has a broken hip that refuses to heal and is down to incredible 78 lbs. We have the most amazing nurses who care for Mema from 5 am- 7 pm. After that Papa picks up the slack and all of us rotate weekend stays with Mema to give Papa a break. My Aunt Nita has really been taking the brunt of staying with Mema. I have been staying a few nights to give her a break. The last time I stayed with Mema it really got to me physically. I realized that I am slowly not able to care for her as much.
So Monday Aunt Nita messages me at work to ask if I could stay Wednesday. Aunt Nita has a high fever and is feeling terrible. I knew she needed rest and had been doing way too much. I told her yes, I could do it, but in the back of my mind I just felt exhausted. I sent a text to my cousin T to tell her I really needed to chat. Once we got on the phone I filled her in and told her my worries, frustrations and concerns. She clued me into the she and J feel about things and that she would talk to J about how I feel.
A few hours later I get a text from J saying, "we will stay with Mema. Love you!" They are so amazing, I didn't call to get them to stay with her. I called to vent/whine/problem solve. T knew that I wasn't trying to get them to do anything, we just needed to communicate. So there you have it, my sweet cousins came in like angels and protected the health of Aunt Nita and I. They gave us peace and comfort. I am so thankful for them and my sweet family. It's so nice to know the amount of love I will raise my baby in.
Pregnant with Possibilites
I have this friend, Mrs. D. She used to be a coworker of mine. Since we have both traveled in different career directions we still keep in touch often. Our lives are busy and getting phone time is limited. On the few days she is traveling early in the morning she will call me and we talk as I drive to work. It's a nice change of pace from the typical morning drive.
This morning was a Mrs. D kind of morning. We caught up on what's new. Hibdon's promotion, her work/life balance, pregnancy and her 4 kiddos. It was pretty general until she said, "I just wanted you to know you have been on my heart, your pregnancy was something I've really been praying for". It was slightly out of nowhere, but not out of the ordinary for a Mrs. D convo. When she said that, I got chills. Just last Thursday I had a high power hormone/anxiety moment. I was sitting in the chair and felt AnnaBella move, as always I tell Hibdon to quickly come feel. Right after I had this major rush of claustrophobia. My head was spinning and I honestly didn't know if I could carry this baby anymore, let alone until May. I told Hibdon and he reassured me it was probably hormones and he's sure every woman feels that way at some point. I felt so guilty for the next two days, well still do a little, but Friday and Saturday were heavy. Especially after the tragedy that stole so much joy in this country. I felt so guilty for wanting to rush the pregnancy.
Back to Mrs. D---- When she told me she had been praying for me, I blurted out how I felt the other day. Now I have been reassured by Hibdon and my Momma, but Mrs. D provided clarity to me. Of course she told me that won't be the last time I feel like that, but not to worry to pray. She told me right now I am realizing more and more every day that this is not my body. I could really convince myself that it was my body before the baby, controlling anything I didn't like. Really I belong to God and pregnancy will never be something I can control. We talked about how I can be a slight overachiever and blow through time lines, finish early, beat the expectations. Well, it doesn't work like that with pregnancy. Having a baby is all in God's time. Just like getting pregnant is all in God's time. I am learning all of this more and more each day. Mrs. D talked to me about how not only is God preparing my heart for AnnaBella, but Hibdon's too. To rush him wouldn't be fair, to Hibdon or AnnaBella. She deserves parents who are ready mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, financially, and more. Mrs. D also clued me in to something she learned with her hubs, it opens you into a new level of your relationship you didn't know was possible.
So as I became so comforted, encouraged and excited for God's perfect timing I realized Mrs. D was the best person to talk to. I am so happy to have a growing little princess inside of me. I hope she is comfortable, can feel my love and is getting every little thing she needs. Mrs. D told me one last thing that I have been thinking about all day. She said, "You are pregnant with possibilities". I'm just so excited at the possibilities that my sweet angel will provide. That just makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
This morning was a Mrs. D kind of morning. We caught up on what's new. Hibdon's promotion, her work/life balance, pregnancy and her 4 kiddos. It was pretty general until she said, "I just wanted you to know you have been on my heart, your pregnancy was something I've really been praying for". It was slightly out of nowhere, but not out of the ordinary for a Mrs. D convo. When she said that, I got chills. Just last Thursday I had a high power hormone/anxiety moment. I was sitting in the chair and felt AnnaBella move, as always I tell Hibdon to quickly come feel. Right after I had this major rush of claustrophobia. My head was spinning and I honestly didn't know if I could carry this baby anymore, let alone until May. I told Hibdon and he reassured me it was probably hormones and he's sure every woman feels that way at some point. I felt so guilty for the next two days, well still do a little, but Friday and Saturday were heavy. Especially after the tragedy that stole so much joy in this country. I felt so guilty for wanting to rush the pregnancy.
Back to Mrs. D---- When she told me she had been praying for me, I blurted out how I felt the other day. Now I have been reassured by Hibdon and my Momma, but Mrs. D provided clarity to me. Of course she told me that won't be the last time I feel like that, but not to worry to pray. She told me right now I am realizing more and more every day that this is not my body. I could really convince myself that it was my body before the baby, controlling anything I didn't like. Really I belong to God and pregnancy will never be something I can control. We talked about how I can be a slight overachiever and blow through time lines, finish early, beat the expectations. Well, it doesn't work like that with pregnancy. Having a baby is all in God's time. Just like getting pregnant is all in God's time. I am learning all of this more and more each day. Mrs. D talked to me about how not only is God preparing my heart for AnnaBella, but Hibdon's too. To rush him wouldn't be fair, to Hibdon or AnnaBella. She deserves parents who are ready mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, financially, and more. Mrs. D also clued me in to something she learned with her hubs, it opens you into a new level of your relationship you didn't know was possible.
So as I became so comforted, encouraged and excited for God's perfect timing I realized Mrs. D was the best person to talk to. I am so happy to have a growing little princess inside of me. I hope she is comfortable, can feel my love and is getting every little thing she needs. Mrs. D told me one last thing that I have been thinking about all day. She said, "You are pregnant with possibilities". I'm just so excited at the possibilities that my sweet angel will provide. That just makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Before Baby Bucket List
Last week my sweet friend Tiff, who has an awesome blog, updated her 30 by 30 list. She is pretty impressive with her bucket listing. She has always kept a bucket list and she checks it off. Hibdon and I made our on bucket list one weekend trip to a winery. It was fun and we are good about checking things off. This 30 by 30 list had me thinking about my bucket list before the baby. I told Tiff I was going to copy her idea, make a little before baby bucket list. She told me I could as long as I blogged about it, she must of learned this trickery in her fancy pants law school.
So below is my before baby bucket list. Sweet Meg brought it to my attention that I am almost half way through my pregnancy. Game plan is to finish this bucket list before my sweet angel gets here.
1) Read a new nonbaby/pregnant book once a month
2) Read a baby raising/healthy life style book once a month
3) Learn to bake all the sweets in my Jessica Seinfeld cookbook
4) Make one of the million pinterest projects that I have pinned-once a month
5) Make a new pinterest meal once a week
6) Drop everything and take a weekend get-a-way with Hibdon
7) Drop everything and go to the land with Hibdon
8) Schedule a massage once a month
9) Take E on Aunt B only dates
10) Organize my Life
11) Start a sewing or knitting or crocheting class
12) Start a new devotional to prepare my heart for motherhood
13) Take a meal to the neighbors once a week
14) Anonymously buy a family's meal
15) Spend an evening once a week with Hibdon and no tv, phone or ipad. Just QT
16) Call all three grandma's and say "I love you". Once a week
17) Invite all the friends that we keep "meaning" to have to dinner with over for a pot luck. All of them at once.
18) Add all of my friends birthdays to a reminder on my phone.
19) Take up pregnancy yoga
20) Send a gift to my friends once a month (straight from Tiff)
So there you have it. I have just a little under 19 weeks to get this accomplished. I got this.
So below is my before baby bucket list. Sweet Meg brought it to my attention that I am almost half way through my pregnancy. Game plan is to finish this bucket list before my sweet angel gets here.
1) Read a new nonbaby/pregnant book once a month
2) Read a baby raising/healthy life style book once a month
3) Learn to bake all the sweets in my Jessica Seinfeld cookbook
4) Make one of the million pinterest projects that I have pinned-once a month
5) Make a new pinterest meal once a week
6) Drop everything and take a weekend get-a-way with Hibdon
7) Drop everything and go to the land with Hibdon
8) Schedule a massage once a month
9) Take E on Aunt B only dates
10) Organize my Life
11) Start a sewing or knitting or crocheting class
12) Start a new devotional to prepare my heart for motherhood
13) Take a meal to the neighbors once a week
14) Anonymously buy a family's meal
15) Spend an evening once a week with Hibdon and no tv, phone or ipad. Just QT
16) Call all three grandma's and say "I love you". Once a week
17) Invite all the friends that we keep "meaning" to have to dinner with over for a pot luck. All of them at once.
18) Add all of my friends birthdays to a reminder on my phone.
19) Take up pregnancy yoga
20) Send a gift to my friends once a month (straight from Tiff)
So there you have it. I have just a little under 19 weeks to get this accomplished. I got this.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Praying for Papa with the Big Hearts
This is the blog where I tell you my overwhelming love for my Daddy, AnnaBella's Papa. Today I spent the entire day (starting at 4 a.m.) with my Daddy and the staff at St. John's. Papa had his third lumbar surgery today. The one performed today was slightly cutting edge. His doctor hadn't performed this before, so I was slightly more nervous than usual. The staff was amazing and they went through extra measures to ensure everything went according to plan. While their plan was great and the surgery went well, it took an hour and a half longer than it was supposed to. Not cool Doc, I'm preggo, up way too early and my emotions are slightly erratic from time to time.
Last night I got a little anxious to get this over with and Papa feeling good again. I sent a text to a few prayer warrior friends to get the comfort of a community of believers praying for my guy. I had a little trouble falling asleep thinking of Papa and AnnaBella. I desperately wanted this surgery to make him feel good again. I want him rid of his pain and ailments. It's very difficult seeing your big strong Papa Bear in pain, not being able to lift things too heavy, not being able sit for too long, not being able to drive in a car too long. He's always been great at making me feel just like Daddy's girl. Starting in elementary Papa bought me a mum every year for homecoming, the card would always say "You're my homecoming queen". He's great at writing letters, he would write me the sweetest letters when he and Big Brother would go on trips. Still to this day, he wrote me a note giving me a key to the new locks at this house. "You have always had the key to my heart". I will probably never be too old to get a bear and a rose for Valentine's Day nor will I get too old for the phone call telling me to get home before the weather gets bad. My entire life he has always said I could be whatever I wanted, maybe the first female President. He stills says that, even though politics stress me out. I can only imagine how Little AnnaBella will be treated. She's going to be his baby's baby, that's a big ace in the hole. She is probably smiling deviously right now at all the spoiling she is going to receive.
So today when AnnaBella's Papa crossed through the double doors that kept me out, my stomach came to knots. I was good at first grabbed breakfast and then read a Dixie Cash book to take my mind off of things. Then I got a call from the nurse saying the surgery has started and things were great. He said he thought the surgery would be finished in 45 minutes, he would call then. Well, an hour and half came and not a call. So I continued my prayers and started reading scriptures of faith and healing. I was NOT going to let Satan shake my faith. Then out of nowhere, two men asked if someone was with the McCauley family. I stood up and they introduced themselves as the Pastor of the First Baptist Church and Boys Basketball Coach of Barnsdall. Now I haven't lived in Barnsdall in 7 years and these are positions that have changed a little, so not knowing them seemed reasonable. They came to check in on Papa and then asked if I would like to pray with them. Wow, what sweet relief. Yes, please, let's pray! I needed that, I needed them to walk in and pray with me. God just knew I needed that. So we chatted and then they told me the church would have a special prayer for Papa tonight for healing. They were so kind and I was in awe. Awe of how quickly God responded to my need and of the sweet, sweet hearts of the people in my hometown.
Barnsdall started out as Big Heart, a very long time ago. I can't remember the year, but it changed to Barnsdall. To honor the first name the town has Big Heart Day the last Saturday in May. I haven't missed it in years, now I don't think I could. Today these men, who weren't raised in the town, gave me a good dose of home cookin'. I ate it with a big spoon, it fed my soul. They showed their Big Heart for Papa. So kind.
So Papa finished surgery 2 hours and 15 minutes later. I grabbed lunch and waited for him to get a room. Once we were there he was in pain. I helped him get tons of water and force down a few crackers. Once he was comfortable and in his silk pjs, we took a 30 minute nap. After that he was walking around again and had a little food. Now he won't be running marathons tonight, but hopefully he gets some rest and is released tomorrow. I'll bring him home and do my best pregnancy nursing possible. For now, this preggo is pooped. It may be slightly early, but I am heading to bed and putting on my oversized Victoria Secret pj pants and one of Hibdon's old baseball t-shirts, the kind with his name and number on the back. I'll get right in the middle of my California king bed and sleep the crap out of it.
Night Y'all
Last night I got a little anxious to get this over with and Papa feeling good again. I sent a text to a few prayer warrior friends to get the comfort of a community of believers praying for my guy. I had a little trouble falling asleep thinking of Papa and AnnaBella. I desperately wanted this surgery to make him feel good again. I want him rid of his pain and ailments. It's very difficult seeing your big strong Papa Bear in pain, not being able to lift things too heavy, not being able sit for too long, not being able to drive in a car too long. He's always been great at making me feel just like Daddy's girl. Starting in elementary Papa bought me a mum every year for homecoming, the card would always say "You're my homecoming queen". He's great at writing letters, he would write me the sweetest letters when he and Big Brother would go on trips. Still to this day, he wrote me a note giving me a key to the new locks at this house. "You have always had the key to my heart". I will probably never be too old to get a bear and a rose for Valentine's Day nor will I get too old for the phone call telling me to get home before the weather gets bad. My entire life he has always said I could be whatever I wanted, maybe the first female President. He stills says that, even though politics stress me out. I can only imagine how Little AnnaBella will be treated. She's going to be his baby's baby, that's a big ace in the hole. She is probably smiling deviously right now at all the spoiling she is going to receive.
So today when AnnaBella's Papa crossed through the double doors that kept me out, my stomach came to knots. I was good at first grabbed breakfast and then read a Dixie Cash book to take my mind off of things. Then I got a call from the nurse saying the surgery has started and things were great. He said he thought the surgery would be finished in 45 minutes, he would call then. Well, an hour and half came and not a call. So I continued my prayers and started reading scriptures of faith and healing. I was NOT going to let Satan shake my faith. Then out of nowhere, two men asked if someone was with the McCauley family. I stood up and they introduced themselves as the Pastor of the First Baptist Church and Boys Basketball Coach of Barnsdall. Now I haven't lived in Barnsdall in 7 years and these are positions that have changed a little, so not knowing them seemed reasonable. They came to check in on Papa and then asked if I would like to pray with them. Wow, what sweet relief. Yes, please, let's pray! I needed that, I needed them to walk in and pray with me. God just knew I needed that. So we chatted and then they told me the church would have a special prayer for Papa tonight for healing. They were so kind and I was in awe. Awe of how quickly God responded to my need and of the sweet, sweet hearts of the people in my hometown.
Barnsdall started out as Big Heart, a very long time ago. I can't remember the year, but it changed to Barnsdall. To honor the first name the town has Big Heart Day the last Saturday in May. I haven't missed it in years, now I don't think I could. Today these men, who weren't raised in the town, gave me a good dose of home cookin'. I ate it with a big spoon, it fed my soul. They showed their Big Heart for Papa. So kind.
So Papa finished surgery 2 hours and 15 minutes later. I grabbed lunch and waited for him to get a room. Once we were there he was in pain. I helped him get tons of water and force down a few crackers. Once he was comfortable and in his silk pjs, we took a 30 minute nap. After that he was walking around again and had a little food. Now he won't be running marathons tonight, but hopefully he gets some rest and is released tomorrow. I'll bring him home and do my best pregnancy nursing possible. For now, this preggo is pooped. It may be slightly early, but I am heading to bed and putting on my oversized Victoria Secret pj pants and one of Hibdon's old baseball t-shirts, the kind with his name and number on the back. I'll get right in the middle of my California king bed and sleep the crap out of it.
Night Y'all
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Little AJ
When Hibdon and I first saw the news we only talked about girls names, but when we joked about Hibdon raising a girl he couldn't go there. He would always say that's a little wrestler in there, Little Adam Jr. Which later was AJ. He would always refer to the baby as Little AJ.
Turns out we right from the beginning and it was a girl. Out of the two names we liked, we found a Little AJ. AnnaBella Jane that is. We had the opportunity to see our little sweet pea today. I am 17 weeks and lost weight...whoops. I'm chalking it up to the sickness last week. The doctor was great and gave me plenty of time to ask lots of questions.
He asked me a question that really resonated with me. He said I am now able to have the quad blood screening to check if my child would have spina bifida, down syndrome or other genetic disorders. He said I am at the stage to have these tests. He also said he will only approve them after I answer one question. He asked me if I get an abnormal test result does that mean something in wrong with my baby. I quickly replied No. Without thinking I went with a positive outlook. 1) An abnormal result could be skewed now and provide "normalcy" later. 2) If the "worst case" scenario happens it will be a precious child that my God blessed me with. I have never in my life be so at peace with the unknown. I want my baby to be healthy. I don't want my child to need to deal with medications and a billion doctors appointments. I do believe that every child is such a blessing. This is MY baby normal or abnormal she is MINE and I love her right now more than I could have ever dreamed. She is mine and I am hers.
After my quick no, Dr. N said "that's what I wanted to hear. If you said yes, I wouldn't agree to it." So after yet another vile of blood taken, we have a test underway.
Miss AnnaBella was a little sleepy during her photo shoot today so all of the pictures are covering her face. Here's the best one. She's just perfect. I just stare and gush at my little Princess.

I belong to you, You belong to me
You're my Sweet Heart
Turns out we right from the beginning and it was a girl. Out of the two names we liked, we found a Little AJ. AnnaBella Jane that is. We had the opportunity to see our little sweet pea today. I am 17 weeks and lost weight...whoops. I'm chalking it up to the sickness last week. The doctor was great and gave me plenty of time to ask lots of questions.
He asked me a question that really resonated with me. He said I am now able to have the quad blood screening to check if my child would have spina bifida, down syndrome or other genetic disorders. He said I am at the stage to have these tests. He also said he will only approve them after I answer one question. He asked me if I get an abnormal test result does that mean something in wrong with my baby. I quickly replied No. Without thinking I went with a positive outlook. 1) An abnormal result could be skewed now and provide "normalcy" later. 2) If the "worst case" scenario happens it will be a precious child that my God blessed me with. I have never in my life be so at peace with the unknown. I want my baby to be healthy. I don't want my child to need to deal with medications and a billion doctors appointments. I do believe that every child is such a blessing. This is MY baby normal or abnormal she is MINE and I love her right now more than I could have ever dreamed. She is mine and I am hers.
After my quick no, Dr. N said "that's what I wanted to hear. If you said yes, I wouldn't agree to it." So after yet another vile of blood taken, we have a test underway.
Miss AnnaBella was a little sleepy during her photo shoot today so all of the pictures are covering her face. Here's the best one. She's just perfect. I just stare and gush at my little Princess.

I belong to you, You belong to me
You're my Sweet Heart
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Bo Knows
There is nothing baby related about this post, but I must say I am inspired. Last night Hibdon and I watched the 30 for 30 special on Bo Jackson. Those specials always sucked us in, but we had been planning on watching this one after a Bo vs. Deon Sanders debate on First Take. So as we are watching the Heisman, (Kudos Johnny Football and congrats to my Aggie Bestest Tator) we see this special is coming up next. Yes, we live a thrilling life. In our defense I am pregnant and was incredibly sick.
I don't remember too much of the Bo Jackson days, I was a little young. I remember the popularity of "Bo Knows", the cartoon of the athlete super heroes, baseball cards and the posters Big Brother had on his walls. I didn't know why it was so short lived. Honestly, I thought he probably got himself into trouble and it ended his career. I was so wrong! Watching this special and the Heisman was just a little too much for my pregnant heart, got me right there, you know?
Bo Jackson was one of the greatest athletes of all time. He played both professional baseball and football at the same time. He had principles and stood by them. He is still the only player to play in the Pro Bowl and All Star game. Just a living legend. You won't see him in the hall of fame though. He had a massive career ending injury to end his career early. He was tackle in a small simple way, but because of his pure strength the force of his leg motion dislocated his hip. He would end up needed hip replacement surgery at 28 years old. He was the only player to come back from that, but it just wasn't the same.
I'm a Coach's kid and can get sucked into these documentaries pretty easy. Hibdon loves it, it's right up his alley. I will tell you I could probably watch the Notebook or the biggest chick flick right now and not cry. However, a sports moment, seeing the stories on Manti Te'o, Collin Klein and watching an eager energetic freshman win the Heisman. Then seeing the Bo story. Too much for my pregnant heart. Can't do it, I get teary. I stay away from my all time favorite movie right now. For the Love of the Game. I would be a basket case. I'm weird, I know. I'm getting used to it.
I don't remember too much of the Bo Jackson days, I was a little young. I remember the popularity of "Bo Knows", the cartoon of the athlete super heroes, baseball cards and the posters Big Brother had on his walls. I didn't know why it was so short lived. Honestly, I thought he probably got himself into trouble and it ended his career. I was so wrong! Watching this special and the Heisman was just a little too much for my pregnant heart, got me right there, you know?
Bo Jackson was one of the greatest athletes of all time. He played both professional baseball and football at the same time. He had principles and stood by them. He is still the only player to play in the Pro Bowl and All Star game. Just a living legend. You won't see him in the hall of fame though. He had a massive career ending injury to end his career early. He was tackle in a small simple way, but because of his pure strength the force of his leg motion dislocated his hip. He would end up needed hip replacement surgery at 28 years old. He was the only player to come back from that, but it just wasn't the same.
I'm a Coach's kid and can get sucked into these documentaries pretty easy. Hibdon loves it, it's right up his alley. I will tell you I could probably watch the Notebook or the biggest chick flick right now and not cry. However, a sports moment, seeing the stories on Manti Te'o, Collin Klein and watching an eager energetic freshman win the Heisman. Then seeing the Bo story. Too much for my pregnant heart. Can't do it, I get teary. I stay away from my all time favorite movie right now. For the Love of the Game. I would be a basket case. I'm weird, I know. I'm getting used to it.
Just a little TLC is all I needed.
Yesterday marked 72 hours of feeling like crap-ola. Not just a little cold, like (sorry for the graphics) puking my guts up. Here's how it began...
Nice dinner Wednesday night with Uncle Speed and Aunt Sar, stuffed myself like a tick. Then I stayed up later than normal, which had me excited to be apart of the real world again. When I got out of bed Thursday I was still miserably stuffed and felt awful. I went to work and even emailed Aunt Sar and Tiffy to tell them how annoyed I was with those "eating for two people". My appetite has picked up, but my stomach is still the same size and the one meal I "ate for two" I was punished for it. I was on my soapbox. Then Thursday morning turned into almost lunch and so did the chills and fever. I felt horrible, seriously it was worse than "morning sickness". I told my boss my symptoms and she told me to go home. My boss and coworkers are slightly germaphobic. They all looked very concerned, but from afar.
So home I went, Hibdon was off that day and did the best care taking possible. I went straight to bed and we called the nurse. Just as sweet as she could be, told me to treat my symptoms. So, off to the store Hibdon went. He brought back a care package of powerade, chicken noodle soup, medicine and trashy magazines. Then he let Maddy pup snuggle me in bed. We slept all day and night, only waking up to up-chuck the fluids I had taken in. Friday I called the nurse again and this time she gave me a timeline, if I couldn't keep 7-Up down by 4:00 p.m. it was time to go to the hospital to get an IV. That did not sound like fun so I slowly sipped until a full can of 7-Up was down. Small victories.
CC came over Friday night and brought me a baked potato, that I was craving. I ate a little less than half. I also ate three pickles, I think the first time in my life I have wanted pickles for the pure nutritional value. She hung out with me until I went to bed. There is just something about your Momma being there when you are sick. I'll never be too old for that, never.
Saturday I was sure I would feel back to normal. Got ready for the day, packed a gym bag and went to work. I was so excited to get into the office and catch-up. I was wrong, I didn't last long and there was no way I could have made it to the gym. Back home I went to find Hon, Grandma Jane and McKenna cleaning my house to a sparkle and making pot roast. It was soooo nice to come home to that. They sent me right to bed and let themselves out. I started feeling better at the end of the night. I can drink water and eat solid foods!! It's been a rough ride, but I think all the extra TLC I have been getting was just what the doctor ordered. With my family if I could bottle that up and sell it on the black market, I'd be rolling in it. They are pros at TLC.
This leaves me incredibly anxious to go to our next appointment on Tuesday. It's been on the calendar for months and every week we near it I get excited, but with not eating for 48 hours I am nervous. Say a little pray for Baby AnnaBella please. The nurse reassured me that the baby gets all the nutrients she needs and then I get mine. Which is why it takes a while to recover. She's right I am sure, but I just need confirmation. Plus with my recent inability to keep liquids down I haven't taken my thyroid pill or vitamins in a few days. I keep telling myself there was a time pregnant women didn't know it wasn't okay to drink or smoke. Surely, a few days of not pumping the extras into will be just fine.
Thank you Lord for being bigger than my little flu bug!
Nice dinner Wednesday night with Uncle Speed and Aunt Sar, stuffed myself like a tick. Then I stayed up later than normal, which had me excited to be apart of the real world again. When I got out of bed Thursday I was still miserably stuffed and felt awful. I went to work and even emailed Aunt Sar and Tiffy to tell them how annoyed I was with those "eating for two people". My appetite has picked up, but my stomach is still the same size and the one meal I "ate for two" I was punished for it. I was on my soapbox. Then Thursday morning turned into almost lunch and so did the chills and fever. I felt horrible, seriously it was worse than "morning sickness". I told my boss my symptoms and she told me to go home. My boss and coworkers are slightly germaphobic. They all looked very concerned, but from afar.
So home I went, Hibdon was off that day and did the best care taking possible. I went straight to bed and we called the nurse. Just as sweet as she could be, told me to treat my symptoms. So, off to the store Hibdon went. He brought back a care package of powerade, chicken noodle soup, medicine and trashy magazines. Then he let Maddy pup snuggle me in bed. We slept all day and night, only waking up to up-chuck the fluids I had taken in. Friday I called the nurse again and this time she gave me a timeline, if I couldn't keep 7-Up down by 4:00 p.m. it was time to go to the hospital to get an IV. That did not sound like fun so I slowly sipped until a full can of 7-Up was down. Small victories.
CC came over Friday night and brought me a baked potato, that I was craving. I ate a little less than half. I also ate three pickles, I think the first time in my life I have wanted pickles for the pure nutritional value. She hung out with me until I went to bed. There is just something about your Momma being there when you are sick. I'll never be too old for that, never.
Saturday I was sure I would feel back to normal. Got ready for the day, packed a gym bag and went to work. I was so excited to get into the office and catch-up. I was wrong, I didn't last long and there was no way I could have made it to the gym. Back home I went to find Hon, Grandma Jane and McKenna cleaning my house to a sparkle and making pot roast. It was soooo nice to come home to that. They sent me right to bed and let themselves out. I started feeling better at the end of the night. I can drink water and eat solid foods!! It's been a rough ride, but I think all the extra TLC I have been getting was just what the doctor ordered. With my family if I could bottle that up and sell it on the black market, I'd be rolling in it. They are pros at TLC.
This leaves me incredibly anxious to go to our next appointment on Tuesday. It's been on the calendar for months and every week we near it I get excited, but with not eating for 48 hours I am nervous. Say a little pray for Baby AnnaBella please. The nurse reassured me that the baby gets all the nutrients she needs and then I get mine. Which is why it takes a while to recover. She's right I am sure, but I just need confirmation. Plus with my recent inability to keep liquids down I haven't taken my thyroid pill or vitamins in a few days. I keep telling myself there was a time pregnant women didn't know it wasn't okay to drink or smoke. Surely, a few days of not pumping the extras into will be just fine.
Thank you Lord for being bigger than my little flu bug!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Name Game
Tonight Hibdon and I finally solidified the name of our little Princess. We have been talking about girls names from the first day we found out that we were expanding our family. The two names we were thinking of were Abigail and AnnaBella. Hibdon's choice was Abigail and mine AnnaBella. We would go back and forth on both names. Finally, Hibdon asked me to look up the meaning of the names.
AnnaBella- Beautiful Grace. Special right? It's a pretty name and the meaning is even Grace. I melted.
Abigail- A father's joy. You have got to be kidding me! How do I compete with that? He likes a name that literally means HIS joy. Come on!
So I thought I had lost until I told Adam why I like AnnaBella. My Granny's name is Anna Ruth. She is so kind and caring. She has never met a stranger and has mothered/grandmothered about every kid in town. There are kids that I call or have called my cousins that are not related to me. Only because my Granny treated them as her own.
My Momma who I love more than anything, her name is Claudia Ann. She is stronger than any woman I have ever met, gives more until she can give no longer, absolutely never judges and is incredibly intelligent. She is always increasing her knowledge and providing new challenges for herself.
My Momma continued the "Ann" name by naming me Brianna.
Once Hibdon knew this he understood why I picked AnnaBella. He was very concerned about what her nickname would be. I am less concerned. I think there no way to predict her nickname. 95% of my friends and family call me Bri, my best friend Tator and some high school friends call me Brito, Big Brother, Duke and Tommy still call me B.B. and Neel calls me B. There's no way to predict that. Still, Hibdon needed to figure it out. So if we choose to shorten her name we will call her Ella, but I think AnnaBella will be used more frequently.
AnnaBella's middle name was a no brainer. Jane. AnnaBella's middle name will be after Hibdon's sweet Grandma Jane. She is the most caring, giving, prayer warrior of a grandmother. She has cared for many kids in Barnsdall and devoted all her free time to Hibdon and SIL. Just for funsies I looked up Jane, it means God is gracious. Of course it does. We love her and couldn't imagine life without her.
AnnaBella Jane Hibdon will be the beautiful grace in our life that God will so graciously bless us with.
AnnaBella- Beautiful Grace. Special right? It's a pretty name and the meaning is even Grace. I melted.
Abigail- A father's joy. You have got to be kidding me! How do I compete with that? He likes a name that literally means HIS joy. Come on!
So I thought I had lost until I told Adam why I like AnnaBella. My Granny's name is Anna Ruth. She is so kind and caring. She has never met a stranger and has mothered/grandmothered about every kid in town. There are kids that I call or have called my cousins that are not related to me. Only because my Granny treated them as her own.
My Momma who I love more than anything, her name is Claudia Ann. She is stronger than any woman I have ever met, gives more until she can give no longer, absolutely never judges and is incredibly intelligent. She is always increasing her knowledge and providing new challenges for herself.
My Momma continued the "Ann" name by naming me Brianna.
Once Hibdon knew this he understood why I picked AnnaBella. He was very concerned about what her nickname would be. I am less concerned. I think there no way to predict her nickname. 95% of my friends and family call me Bri, my best friend Tator and some high school friends call me Brito, Big Brother, Duke and Tommy still call me B.B. and Neel calls me B. There's no way to predict that. Still, Hibdon needed to figure it out. So if we choose to shorten her name we will call her Ella, but I think AnnaBella will be used more frequently.
AnnaBella's middle name was a no brainer. Jane. AnnaBella's middle name will be after Hibdon's sweet Grandma Jane. She is the most caring, giving, prayer warrior of a grandmother. She has cared for many kids in Barnsdall and devoted all her free time to Hibdon and SIL. Just for funsies I looked up Jane, it means God is gracious. Of course it does. We love her and couldn't imagine life without her.
AnnaBella Jane Hibdon will be the beautiful grace in our life that God will so graciously bless us with.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Aunt Randi-Doll
I have always known how smart Big Brother was, but lately I have been doubting his intelligence. He has been dating Randi-Doll for sometime now and not popped the question. I LOVE Randi-Doll, I almost think she's my soul mate.
Randi-Doll is gorgeous, fun, easy going, witty and creative. She loves Big Brother more than I thought was possible and maintains all the patience he needs. She has faithfully supported Big Brother and perfectly fit into our family.
Well, tonight he did it! Big Brother bought a ring, planned the event, and asked her to be his wife. He did it right too. They love the outdoors and love hiking. This weekend's weather was perfect for it too. They hiked like any old hike to a pretty spot with a great view, then Big Brother made their any old hike one to remember. He got down on one knee and asked my favorite Arkansan to be his wife.
I can't tell you how excited I am for Randi-Doll to be my new SIL. I feel so blessed, even spoiled that I get two of the most amazing women, whom I call friends, to be my SILs. It's perfect. What's even better is now my little girl with have two awesome Aunts.
Now, I will say that she will probably get away with murder when it comes to Aunt Randi and will more than likely be diva for fashion. She will also learn to go with the flow and how to have a good time no matter what. She will probably gain a southern drawl the more she hangs around Aunt Randi. I can imagine she will come home saying soda and pronouncing yellow, yella. She will learn to call the Hogs and make cute things out of nothing. She will be loved and love Aunt Randi.
We couldn't be happier that Randi-Doll is joining our family. I just asked Baby H, she agreed. :)
Randi-Doll is gorgeous, fun, easy going, witty and creative. She loves Big Brother more than I thought was possible and maintains all the patience he needs. She has faithfully supported Big Brother and perfectly fit into our family.
Well, tonight he did it! Big Brother bought a ring, planned the event, and asked her to be his wife. He did it right too. They love the outdoors and love hiking. This weekend's weather was perfect for it too. They hiked like any old hike to a pretty spot with a great view, then Big Brother made their any old hike one to remember. He got down on one knee and asked my favorite Arkansan to be his wife.
I can't tell you how excited I am for Randi-Doll to be my new SIL. I feel so blessed, even spoiled that I get two of the most amazing women, whom I call friends, to be my SILs. It's perfect. What's even better is now my little girl with have two awesome Aunts.
Now, I will say that she will probably get away with murder when it comes to Aunt Randi and will more than likely be diva for fashion. She will also learn to go with the flow and how to have a good time no matter what. She will probably gain a southern drawl the more she hangs around Aunt Randi. I can imagine she will come home saying soda and pronouncing yellow, yella. She will learn to call the Hogs and make cute things out of nothing. She will be loved and love Aunt Randi.
We couldn't be happier that Randi-Doll is joining our family. I just asked Baby H, she agreed. :)
Oh Christmas Tree
My Dearest Sweet Baby Girl,
I haven't been too energized to meet my requirement so your sweet Daddy surprised me by staying up very late to put the tree up within our tradition timeline. Another tradition that is so special with our Christmas tree is that our tree is 26 years old. Each year your Daddy and I put up the tree that Hon and Gpa purchased the Christmas before your Daddy was born.
Last week your Daddy and I put up our Christmas tree. This was pretty special for me knowing the next time we put the tree up you will be here with us. Something you should know about your Daddy is he loves tradition and he is a stickler for it. I'm a firm believer that the tree goes up the day after Thanksgiving. Your Daddy likes this tradition too.

When Daddy and I were having our first Christmas as a married couple Hon and Gpa bought a new tree. They offered to give us their tree. While Daddy enjoyed not paying for a tree, he was more excited at the thought of carrying his parents tradition on. The tree is big and gorgeous, I love having it. It can be a pain to put up, but Daddy is always there to help. I am so happy to keep his tradition alive and maintain the Hibdon tree.
We have started our own tradition in that Momma always picks the decorations for the tree and they usually change each year and Daddy puts the angel on top, we save that for the very last.
Now our tree is up and you are growing in Momma's tummy. This Christmas I think about Hibdon and McCauley traditions, my heart swells when I think of all the traditions we will make with you.
I hope this tree lasts for a very long time. Someday I hope to see you crawling under the tree to grab your gifts, just like your Daddy did.
Merry Christmas Pretty Girl, I can't wait for you to get here.
Love you like crazy,
Hello Second Trimester
Here I am almost 16 weeks of housing my little princess. I have to say excited to be in my second trimester is an understatement. The first trimester flew by and PRAISE GOD for that. Hibdon and I discovered we were pregnant just before 5 weeks. I think I felt every first trimester symptom to extreme. Okay, maybe I am exaggerating or maybe I am slightly weak, but goodness it was intense.
From 5 weeks I experienced ridiculous levels of exhaustion. I typically can fall asleep at the drop of a hat, so magnifying this trait is not good. Every day I would come home from work and fall asleep on the couch, Hibdon would wake me up for dinner and then I would go back to sleep. The days I didn't fall asleep after work I was in bed by 7:30. Hitting week 6 I started feeling the nauseous. It wasn't just morning sickness folks, it was allllll day sickness. Started early in the morning and left me going to bed feeling as if I could "get sick" at any moment. Needless to say I moved a trash can to my side of the bed. As a precautionary measure I knew where every trash can was, at all times. I knew the steps to the restrooms at work. "Getting sick" was always on my mind. Thank the good Lord that he gave Lance Company the vision to make cheese-peanut butter crackers. Saving Grace. Finally as week 9-10 approached my tummy started to feel a little more stable. The headaches and dizziness picked up. I felt like I was in the twilight zone most of the time. My pants started to get tight around my tummy and unfortunately acne appeared. I looked like a chubby awkward thirteen year old girl. Just add glasses and braces. I struggled to feel like myself. So I cried a little, okay at the drop of a hat. Not at normal things either. Drew Brees broke Johnny Unitas record, I bawled like a baby. Johnny's son wrote Drew a letter saying "records were meant to be broken", I lost it. Hibdon watched me more than the game. I am not a Saints nor Drew Brees fan, I'm a Peyton girl (always have been). I still cheered and got choked up at every motion the offense made towards that record.

Finally, week 15 was here and so was Thanksgiving! Here I was started to feel better, staying up until the wee hours of 9 o'clock. Now I can eat a million calories and not feel guilty. I would devour TT's stuffing, Neel's noodles, Grandma Jane's mushrooms and sinful potatoes and whatever delicious dessert Hon would find. Well, I thought wrong, I was still getting sick and the night before Thanksgiving was the worst. I didn't feel safe eating much at all on Thanksgiving.
Now that week 16 is here I am feeling like a million bucks. I have worked out every day this week. It was pretty short and sporadic before. Now I am excited to make it to the gym. I wake up early excited for work and go shopping after work. Man I feel good. I can also feel my little princess moving around at times. My tummy will be flat on one side and round on another, she is moving like crazy. LOVE IT.
Last night I even had energy to "par-tay". Hibdon and I met our fun friends for a work Christmas party at the country club. So fun and Baby H kept Momma feeling good.
From 5 weeks I experienced ridiculous levels of exhaustion. I typically can fall asleep at the drop of a hat, so magnifying this trait is not good. Every day I would come home from work and fall asleep on the couch, Hibdon would wake me up for dinner and then I would go back to sleep. The days I didn't fall asleep after work I was in bed by 7:30. Hitting week 6 I started feeling the nauseous. It wasn't just morning sickness folks, it was allllll day sickness. Started early in the morning and left me going to bed feeling as if I could "get sick" at any moment. Needless to say I moved a trash can to my side of the bed. As a precautionary measure I knew where every trash can was, at all times. I knew the steps to the restrooms at work. "Getting sick" was always on my mind. Thank the good Lord that he gave Lance Company the vision to make cheese-peanut butter crackers. Saving Grace. Finally as week 9-10 approached my tummy started to feel a little more stable. The headaches and dizziness picked up. I felt like I was in the twilight zone most of the time. My pants started to get tight around my tummy and unfortunately acne appeared. I looked like a chubby awkward thirteen year old girl. Just add glasses and braces. I struggled to feel like myself. So I cried a little, okay at the drop of a hat. Not at normal things either. Drew Brees broke Johnny Unitas record, I bawled like a baby. Johnny's son wrote Drew a letter saying "records were meant to be broken", I lost it. Hibdon watched me more than the game. I am not a Saints nor Drew Brees fan, I'm a Peyton girl (always have been). I still cheered and got choked up at every motion the offense made towards that record.

Finally, week 15 was here and so was Thanksgiving! Here I was started to feel better, staying up until the wee hours of 9 o'clock. Now I can eat a million calories and not feel guilty. I would devour TT's stuffing, Neel's noodles, Grandma Jane's mushrooms and sinful potatoes and whatever delicious dessert Hon would find. Well, I thought wrong, I was still getting sick and the night before Thanksgiving was the worst. I didn't feel safe eating much at all on Thanksgiving.
Now that week 16 is here I am feeling like a million bucks. I have worked out every day this week. It was pretty short and sporadic before. Now I am excited to make it to the gym. I wake up early excited for work and go shopping after work. Man I feel good. I can also feel my little princess moving around at times. My tummy will be flat on one side and round on another, she is moving like crazy. LOVE IT.
Last night I even had energy to "par-tay". Hibdon and I met our fun friends for a work Christmas party at the country club. So fun and Baby H kept Momma feeling good.
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