Last week your Daddy and I put up our Christmas tree. This was pretty special for me knowing the next time we put the tree up you will be here with us. Something you should know about your Daddy is he loves tradition and he is a stickler for it. I'm a firm believer that the tree goes up the day after Thanksgiving. Your Daddy likes this tradition too.

When Daddy and I were having our first Christmas as a married couple Hon and Gpa bought a new tree. They offered to give us their tree. While Daddy enjoyed not paying for a tree, he was more excited at the thought of carrying his parents tradition on. The tree is big and gorgeous, I love having it. It can be a pain to put up, but Daddy is always there to help. I am so happy to keep his tradition alive and maintain the Hibdon tree.
We have started our own tradition in that Momma always picks the decorations for the tree and they usually change each year and Daddy puts the angel on top, we save that for the very last.
Now our tree is up and you are growing in Momma's tummy. This Christmas I think about Hibdon and McCauley traditions, my heart swells when I think of all the traditions we will make with you.
I hope this tree lasts for a very long time. Someday I hope to see you crawling under the tree to grab your gifts, just like your Daddy did.
Merry Christmas Pretty Girl, I can't wait for you to get here.
Love you like crazy,
Love this, Bri!! So adorable!
To sweet! Can't wait to hear about baby H decorating it with you next year :)