Let's just talk about it.....
My road trip to crazy town this morning. So, I'm at work trying to wrap my head around this insanely large project that has been forgotten for years & now it's mine all mine. All the sudden AnnaBella is doing cartwheels in my tummy. She's just turning & turning. What happens next, yep another high anxiety moment. So I start stressing, thinking again 9 months is too long. Then I think of what if something is wrong with her? What if I'm not a good mom? You know the whole dang dog & pony show. I quickly send a text to Tator & Bill to say a prayer for me. I didn't even tell them why, I was just embarrassed.
Fast forward ten minutes, but what seemed like an eternity. I'm hot, sweating. Then I'm cold, put my sweater on. Finally, in my pregnant brain , I realize that my hormones must be blazing. I start to calm down. I get really busy with meeting after meeting & started to relax.
Then my sweet prego friend, Sta, decided she would join me for lunch tomorrow. She is literally due Friday. She is giddy! She rubbed off on me. I started to get giddy. We talked about us both having appointments on Thurs. We are so excited to get a visit with our little ones. The hormones took a new route to happy town.
Next, Mrs. D gives me a call to check-in on me. She's so sweet! I happened to be in a meeting & she left a voicemail. Probably the longest voicemail ever, but it was perfect. It's the kind that I will keep throughout my pregnancy. Next trip to crazy town I'll need it. She said great things about God is forming a new relationship with you, in you & through you. Days will be uncomfortable & tiring, but he won't bring you to it & not bring you through it. In her inspiring words she said..."We can't become diamonds without a little pressure". Man, that's good friend talk right there! I am making this my new mantra when I feel the heat is on. Whether its hormone driven craziness, sleep deprived baby feedings, large projects at work, volunteer projects that make you disgruntled & loads of unorganized housework just waiting to be tamed. Just take the pressure & become that sparkling beautiful diamond.
Love Mrs. D's advise so well said and perfect for your situation! You will be the best most perfect mother! Sweet AnnaBella is so lucky to be your's!