Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday was literally one of my favorite pregnant days. Many reasons are obvious time with family, food & Easter candy. Sar-Bear & I have a great love of Easter candy. We even prefer Easter candy over Halloween candy. Seriously, cadberry eggs, peeps, Reese's eggs, Jolley Rancher jelly beans...the list goes on. Well, my Easter was extra sweet this year, even without the candy.

We went to Granny's church. This is our typical move on holidays, Granny loves to see her pew full of grandkids. Her exact words are "it just tickles me". Now how can you not want that?! Our home church in Owasso is rather large, more people attend our church than are in the entire town of Barnsdall. So, going to church in Barnsdall is so different, but it's precious. Going to this tiny church I was raised in is very special to me. It's like hearing one of your favorite songs in acapella. You just want to slow down & soak it in. You want to absorb it all. As I sit in the pew that has been exactly the same, the same row I have always sat in, chewed juicy fruit gum straight from Granny's purse & sang from the same hymnal I was just so humbled & thankful. I just wanted to slow down & soak it all in. I listened to a great message & quietly laughed with my husband as we heard my best friends little boy getting restless behind us. It's home & it was so nice to stop & smell the old wooded church. To remember seeing my Grandpa sit in the deacons pew. To remember my Brother Beaver preaching, laughing & slapping his Bible when he was getting really wound up. It was a great time to slow down.

After church it was straight to GPa & Hon's for my FAVORITE meal. Uncle Speedy & Aunt Sar-Bear joined us. Our table is crammed full of family, food & laughter. Obviously E was the dinner entertainment.

We followed dinner with some good old fashioned outside sitting & sweet tea drinking. AND watching E in the bounce house, because every grandparents house has one of those.

It was a great day, perfect weather & a good feeling pregnancy day. It fed my soul & just filled my cup.

1 comment:

  1. I love this. You're so right about wanting to just soak in your little home church! Yay for such a great Easter (and the candy!!)

