Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Funnies

One of my best memories of staying with my dad is his delightful breakfast in the morning. It would be accompanied with the morning paper. As a kid I typically grabbed the sports section and the comic section. We called it the funnies. For the past month I feel as if I have been living the funnies....

As a first time mom, baby of the family with a husband that is a first time dad & also baby of the family, we are clueless. Like this crap is brand spankin new. 

Now I agree with most, its amazing how natural things come to you, but it's still pretty foreign. I often text all of my mommy friends, call my mom, ask my SIL, call her doctor, and/or call my seriously takes a village. 

For the past month we have done some pretty funny things. Here's some highlights..
1) About every day: get a cute outfit, show her off to Daddy, she pees on it & me. Wardrobe change!
2) I used to make Hibdon get out of bed to make sure she was breathing about 3 times a night. Now I threaten his life if he makes a sound that could  wake her. 
3) We used to set our alarms for every 3 hours in case she didn't wake up for a feeding time. Um yeah we were able to stop that pretty quickly.
4) I feel like I get breast milk on everything. In my sleep deprived state I don't get my nursing pads on correctly & soak through my shirt. She spits up most feedings. I'm still getting used to pumping & not feeling like I spray everywhere.
5) Did I mention I am no longer modest about the fact that I breast feed? Openly men with wives that breast feed ask me how it's going. As women we talk about our boobs like its no big deal. Everyone knows when I go to "nurse" her in a room alone my boobs are all out. 
6) I went to my hair appointment. We ran late, it was close to a feeding time. ABJ about had a heart attack & Hibdon about lost it. I was literally pulling my way out of the chair as she was finishing my trim (not smart). As we get home, I remind Hibdon that babies cry & she will be okay. Yeah that little motherly advice has been thrown back at my at least 5 times.
7) My baby has gas problems. She struggles to pass it. Gets red in the face & strains really hard. Makes me so sad. Then she screams bloody murder. We started supplementing gripe water & gas drops. No she freely passes gas. Anywhere & everywhere, no person is off limits. She's a classy one.
8) Car rides can be brutal. She hates her car seat. She falls asleep quickly, but you have about a 30 min window before she freaks the freak out. That's when I sing my best, loudest, change my pitch frequently of This Little Light of Mine.
9) Me: Can you take her downstairs?
Hibdon (waking from a slumber): ok, yeah, can't you?
Me: I can, but I have nursed her all night every two hours, I've been peed on twice, pooped on once, I'm starving & thirsty. I'm so exhausted & all I want to do is go pee...Yep the highlight of my motherhood.
10) After I feed her I pull her close & try to burp her. She always arches her back to stretch & puts both arms around my neck. It's like a mini Bella hug. It melts my heart. (Okay, not that funny, but it's still a highlight that I can't get enough of). 

She's the best gassy, peeing, pooping, screaming, grunting, milky...she's really the best. 

1 comment:

  1. This. Is. Hilarious. And perfect. I love it so much. I love the one about the change from checking on her three times a night to see if she is breathing to threatening to kill him if he makes a peep! LOL. You two are doing a great job, no question!

