As a first time mom, baby of the family with a husband that is a first time dad & also baby of the family, we are clueless. Like this crap is brand spankin new.
Now I agree with most, its amazing how natural things come to you, but it's still pretty foreign. I often text all of my mommy friends, call my mom, ask my SIL, call her doctor, and/or call my seriously takes a village.
For the past month we have done some pretty funny things. Here's some highlights..
1) About every day: get a cute outfit, show her off to Daddy, she pees on it & me. Wardrobe change!
2) I used to make Hibdon get out of bed to make sure she was breathing about 3 times a night. Now I threaten his life if he makes a sound that could wake her.
3) We used to set our alarms for every 3 hours in case she didn't wake up for a feeding time. Um yeah we were able to stop that pretty quickly.
4) I feel like I get breast milk on everything. In my sleep deprived state I don't get my nursing pads on correctly & soak through my shirt. She spits up most feedings. I'm still getting used to pumping & not feeling like I spray everywhere.
5) Did I mention I am no longer modest about the fact that I breast feed? Openly men with wives that breast feed ask me how it's going. As women we talk about our boobs like its no big deal. Everyone knows when I go to "nurse" her in a room alone my boobs are all out.
6) I went to my hair appointment. We ran late, it was close to a feeding time. ABJ about had a heart attack & Hibdon about lost it. I was literally pulling my way out of the chair as she was finishing my trim (not smart). As we get home, I remind Hibdon that babies cry & she will be okay. Yeah that little motherly advice has been thrown back at my at least 5 times.
7) My baby has gas problems. She struggles to pass it. Gets red in the face & strains really hard. Makes me so sad. Then she screams bloody murder. We started supplementing gripe water & gas drops. No she freely passes gas. Anywhere & everywhere, no person is off limits. She's a classy one.
8) Car rides can be brutal. She hates her car seat. She falls asleep quickly, but you have about a 30 min window before she freaks the freak out. That's when I sing my best, loudest, change my pitch frequently of This Little Light of Mine.
9) Me: Can you take her downstairs?
Hibdon (waking from a slumber): ok, yeah, can't you?
Me: I can, but I have nursed her all night every two hours, I've been peed on twice, pooped on once, I'm starving & thirsty. I'm so exhausted & all I want to do is go pee...Yep the highlight of my motherhood.
10) After I feed her I pull her close & try to burp her. She always arches her back to stretch & puts both arms around my neck. It's like a mini Bella hug. It melts my heart. (Okay, not that funny, but it's still a highlight that I can't get enough of).
She's the best gassy, peeing, pooping, screaming, grunting, milky...she's really the best.
This. Is. Hilarious. And perfect. I love it so much. I love the one about the change from checking on her three times a night to see if she is breathing to threatening to kill him if he makes a peep! LOL. You two are doing a great job, no question!