Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Bella Belly Laughs

We reached a new milestone in Hibdon house. This one may be the best yet. 

AnnaBella gave us the surprise of our parenthood Friday night. As I am getting her into her jammies, I start my ritual of kissing her chubby cheeks. Then I rapidly kiss on her neck, then her belly. Spontaneously I blow on her belly. What does she do? Full on belly laugh, deep, big girl belly laugh. I mean loud, melt your heart, make you laugh out loud belly laugh. 

I was shocked! I laughed & quickly did it again. Then again. Then one more time before I yelled at Hibdon to hurry upstairs. He ran up thinking something might be wrong. As he walked into the door I gave a big belly blow and ABJ gave a big belly laugh. Daddy LOVED it. He made me do it again and again before we decided we better document this one. 

He videoed several more deep Bella belly laughs and he quickly sent it to anyone on his contacts list. If you got the video, I'm assuming your day was instantly better. If it wasn't then your heart is made of stone. 

It was just a perfect moment that I wish I could experience for the first time everyday. If this could be my ground hog day and I could be Bill Murray, I would assume it was heaven. 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Family Pictures

Hibdon proposed to me in such a special way. He knew it would sweep me off my feet. What he didn't know is that he would spend every anniversary reliving it. 

He proposed during a picture session at the Gilcrease Museum. So every anniversary we go back for pictures. This year was so special. ABJ joined us. She was about as excited as her Daddy is to take pics, but she looked adorable. Angry face and all. 

Three times the fun

ABJ! You are 3 months!!! 
We are so excited for you. You are plunging right into this month with such spunk. You are really holding your head up now. Every now & then I have to give you a little support, but you are really doing great. You have started grabbing at things. You love to grab the toys on your play gym, your toy on your car seat and any book we put in front of you. Of course you try to put everything in your mouth. 

I think you are mainly doing this because you are teething. You drool like crazy, love to naw on your chubby little hands, and at times you getting incredibly fussy. 

Outside of the teething you have been a big ball of joy this month. You are silly with your little giggles and chatter to us. You smile at most people and then burry your head in my chest, as if you are bashful. We love to play and play with you. 

Something great you have been doing this month is sleeping. You are down pretty early at night and sleep until morning when I wake in the morning. 

You didn't have a doctors appointment this month, but I did weigh you. 16lbs sister!! You are wearing 9 month clothes. We've stored away all of your newborn, 3 months and now 6 months clothes. It was a heart breaker for me. 

You are growing like a weed, developing like crazy and we are loving every minute. 

Here's what Daddy says about you...

1) What's your favorite thing to do with AnnaBella? Pick her up over my head and ask for Daddy kisses.

2) What's your favorite memory from this month? When I play the guitar and she yells along.

3) What big thing did AnnaBella accomplish this month?
She rolled over.

4) What are you looking forward to next month? 
Looking forward to our first overnight stay with just AnnaBella and Daddy. (Momma has to go to Houston)

My answers are.:

1) What's your favorite thing to do with AnnaBella? Snuggle in our rocking chair, rock and sing. 

2) What's your favorite memory from this month? When you really started opening your mouth when we kiss you.

3) What big thing did AnnaBella accomplish this month?
She rolled over. I agree with Daddy this was exciting. 

4) What are you looking forward to next month? Trying real food. I think you are going to stay full!! 

As always Hon took your picture. You smiled! She was very happy about it. Happy 3 months Baby Girl. Momma & Daddy love you like crazy. 

Monday, August 12, 2013

Just roll with it.

There comes a point when you realize how much you are a parent. How you have become the person that only talks about their kid. Especially with all the picture showing and raving about milestones. I always figured I would be that person, but in my mind I would be cognizant enough to know the appropriate party for my baby blabber.

Well this Saturday was a doozie of a milestone and Hibdon's bachelorest of all bachelor friends was there to witness my crazy mothering enthusiasm. Walker comes in town about once a month, he's a gypsy soul that likes to work on the road. Not only has Walker never had a serious woman in his life, he's spent most of his life as an only child with little babies. He is as far removed from parenthood as one could be. 

So as Walker and I are chatting and ABJ is loving some tummy time we notice her starting to get her wieght working in one direction. All of the sudden we realize she is trying to roll over. Before we know it, she did!!!! She totally looked like a Rollie pollie as she rocked her chubby body back and forth. Of course we cheered her on I celebrated like crazy when she made the move. It was so exciting!! 

Now I'll give it to Walker, he cheered on by yelling "Kick, Kick!" He didn't understand my need to video it and send it to everyone, but he did his best to be excited. Hibdon and I however were those crazy parent freaks. We blew up family and friends phones with our exciting news. I told my coworkers this morning. I'm one of THOSE people, but she's so darn cute I really don't care.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

2 month report

ABJ had her 2 month check up a few weeks ago. I keep forgetting to document her stats.

She tipped the scales at a whopping 14 lbs. This is in the 98th percentile. We seriously like to eat around here.

She is 25.5" long, that's in the 95th percentile. Her Daddy is 6'2" and I am 5'8", she may be a little ball player after all.

Poor girl has a melon on her! Her chubby head had a 16" circumference. That would also be the 98th percentile. 

So we like to eat, are growing out of our clothes and are doing our best to keep that fat head stable. 

The bad part about the visit were the shots. Talk about heart breaker. After they stuck my baby and I held back tears, I gave her a bottle (I hope this doesn't give her emotional eating) and snuggled her the whole night. 

Turning two months can be tough! We sure look cute doing it though. 

Happenings with Hon

As I went back to work this week, I worried less about ABJ and more about me. Why? Well, because Hon, Nana-Great and GPa are on Bells duty. She is getting some serious grandparent attention. She is spending her days in front of the camera, eating at the slightest whimper and rocking away to some "Jesus Loves Me". She's in great hands and Hibdon and I are getting SPOILED. 

Bella does great all day from what they tell me. She eats, plays and sleeps like clock work. Occasionally she will through in some cooing, laughing and photo shoots. Too bad she can't remember this one day. I bet she is having the time of her life. 

Working Girl

Hi Sweetie Pie,

I went back to work this week. It's was fun and awful. I enjoy my job very much, but missed you every minute. Unfortantely, I don't think I will ever be happy now. I love my job, coworkers & the company. I'm truly happy to be there.  However, I miss you, all day-every day. I am surrounded by your pictures and stop to stare at your chubby little cheeks. I hope that someday you know how hard it is on Momma to not be there, right beside you every single day. It's so hard. I also hope you understand a few things about my personal decision. 

1) Honestly, we could afford for me to stay home. It would be tight and there could be things that the whole family misses out on. BUT I don't believe we work for things, objects or a lifestyle. I believe we work for something more internal. I pray you understand that two salaries don't  buy happiness. 

2) I'm in my third job post graduation. I was pretty unhappy with my first two. I am in love with this job. I felt so blessed to start this job, work with great people & have an amazing boss. Turning this away feels wrong to me. I pray you are blessed enough to love your career,but have enough obstacles to keep you humble.

3) This is a personal choice. Daddy isn't making me go. Daddy isn't begging for me to stay. This is my choice to still be Bri. Not Momma, not a wife to Daddy, not a daughter to Papa and CC,  not a sister to Uncle Wil. Just Bri. I feel as if sometimes as girls/women we are too caught up in looking a certain way or being a certain person for our significant other. We try to become something for the group of women we want to be around. We make decisions off of our parents advice. This decision for me to go to work every day is mine.  I pray you are never forced into a situation that you would choose otherwise. I pray your right to be who you are and who you want to be is always there. 

4) I have worked hard for my education & to be in this career. I pray this gives you the example to be a strong independent woman. I pray you value your education, you seek it out and you never stop learning.

5) Being a working mom doesn't make me smarter, better or more successful than stay-at-home moms. Stay-at-home moms don't love their babies more than working moms either. I pray you understand every mom, baby girl, family, woman, and child are different, unique. None are greater and none are less than us. 

I hope someday when you read this you can see my heart. You will know I want to best of both worlds. I hope all of your life you get to have your cake and eat it too! 

Love you,
