AnnaBella gave us the surprise of our parenthood Friday night. As I am getting her into her jammies, I start my ritual of kissing her chubby cheeks. Then I rapidly kiss on her neck, then her belly. Spontaneously I blow on her belly. What does she do? Full on belly laugh, deep, big girl belly laugh. I mean loud, melt your heart, make you laugh out loud belly laugh.
I was shocked! I laughed & quickly did it again. Then again. Then one more time before I yelled at Hibdon to hurry upstairs. He ran up thinking something might be wrong. As he walked into the door I gave a big belly blow and ABJ gave a big belly laugh. Daddy LOVED it. He made me do it again and again before we decided we better document this one.
He videoed several more deep Bella belly laughs and he quickly sent it to anyone on his contacts list. If you got the video, I'm assuming your day was instantly better. If it wasn't then your heart is made of stone.
It was just a perfect moment that I wish I could experience for the first time everyday. If this could be my ground hog day and I could be Bill Murray, I would assume it was heaven.
Probably the cutest text message I have ever gotten in my life!