You started the week being very sick. Very sick. Fever, cough, lethargic. You stayed with GPa and Hon a couple days. We were worried you were contagious (you were, just ask Aunt Randi). We asked all of our friends with kids to stay home and not risk a break out of what you had. Adults came and celebrated you. It was so much fun and a beautiful day. You played so hard. Stasha and Kennedy got a lot of fun play time with you. They went all over the playset. And you loved it.
We had a nice little lunch that Daddy grilled and moved on to the cake. We all gathered round, smiling from ear to ear. We highly anticipated a big handful of cake. You did not smash the cake. For once in your life you were delicate and did not like the food in front of you. Wild, I know. I don't get it. I'm not pushing you to like cake. Momma knows that addiction all too well.
After the cake we hosed you down for more playtime. Finally, we ended your party with a two hour nap on Nannys life. Perfect.
Baby girl, I'm shocked you are one. You have grown like a weed. 31" and 26 lbs. You love a foods (except cake), but you really can't go without yogurt or puffs. You are even more attached to lamby. Love Maddy and shoes (a girl after my own heart). You are best when we keep you routine, even if it's a 6:45 bedtime. Your giggle melts my heart and your big 8 toothed smile is the prettiest thing I've ever seen. Your vocabulary includes Ma-ma, Da-da, Daaag (dog), Baaaal (ball), down, puff, shews (shoes) & we are working on thank you ( you can kind of hear it). You love to sit on the bathroom counter while I put my make up on every morning. You take brushes and put them on your face and hair just like momma, pretty darn cute.
Happy Birthday to sweet ABJ!