Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Angel Cousins

As I said last week, Papa had surgery.  He is recovering really well and things are going great.  A little catch to having Papa out is that he is the primary care giver for my Mema.  Mema has Parkinson's disease, is aging quickly, has a broken hip that refuses to heal and is down to incredible 78 lbs.  We have the most amazing nurses who care for Mema from 5 am- 7 pm.  After that Papa picks up the slack and all of us rotate weekend stays with Mema to give Papa a break.  My Aunt Nita has really been taking the brunt of staying with Mema.  I have been staying a few nights to give her a break.  The last time I stayed with Mema it really got to me physically.  I realized that I am slowly not able to care for her as much.  

So Monday Aunt Nita messages me at work to ask if I could stay Wednesday.  Aunt Nita has a high fever and is feeling terrible.  I knew she needed rest and had been doing way too much.  I told her yes, I could do it, but in the back of my mind I just felt exhausted.  I sent a text to my cousin T to tell her I really needed to chat.  Once we got on the phone I filled her in and told her my worries, frustrations and concerns.  She clued me into the she and J feel about things and that she would talk to J about how I feel. 

A few hours later I get a text from J saying, "we will stay with Mema. Love you!" They are so amazing, I didn't call to get them to stay with her. I called to vent/whine/problem solve. T knew that I wasn't trying to get them to do anything, we just needed to communicate.  So there you have it, my sweet cousins came in like angels and protected the health of Aunt Nita and I.  They gave us peace and comfort.  I am so thankful for them and my sweet family.  It's so nice to know the amount of love I will raise my baby in.  

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