Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Terrible Momma Strike One

I am going to blame this on a pregnant brain, 12 weeks isn't too early to use that as a crutch....right? I know, I know it's too early.  I am such a bad Momma.  I mean really, I should be disgusted with myself.  The other day Hibdon reminded me that I have forgotten to mention my sweet baby girl in my blog.  Yes this is the first time I am pregnant, but I have had a baby girl for the past 3 years.  Her name is Madison.

Madison came into my life when I was moving into an apartment by myself for the very first time.  I was pretty nervous to stay alone and Hibdon knew it.  He tried to be there as much as he could, but he had responsibilities and they weren't in my south Tulsa apartment.  So, he bought Maddy, my boxer-dog.

Okay, okay if you aren't a dog person this post seems silly, maybe even dumb.  Guess what its because you aren't a dog person.  If you are a dog person, you just said "bless your heart".  You can simply relate with the guilt I feel for not mentioning Maddy in my first post, let alone waiting until post 7. SEVEN people! Bad, bad, bad, Momma.

As I said, Hibdon bought Maddy for me as I was moving on my own.  She was such a special gift to me.  I loved her instantly.  She loved to snuggle and still does.  She was quite the wild woman when she was a pup, she has slowed down....slightly.  She is a true boxer, crazy girl.  She loves visitors and wags her entire little booty when she seems them.  She and Hibdon wrestle and howl almost every night.  When she gets tired she comes to my side, gives me a little whine and curls up next to me.  She will sleep for hours right by my side.  Mad-dog has always been a bit of a Momma's girl, probably because it was just us in that 1050 square ft. apartment.  She loves Hibdon and gets a little jealous when he shows me affection.

Maybe I am crazy, but I have heard dogs know when you are pregnant.  SIL also has a boxer, Andre.  He was very much her husband's dog and had nothing to do with SIL.  When she became pregnant with E, Andre started sleeping on her side of the room and followed SIL around.  Maddy has always slept on my side on the room.  She has been extra clingy here lately and less likely to sit with Adam.  She tries to get right by my side at all costs, regardless of how comfortable it is for her.  She now follows me to every room, up the stairs and even waits by the bathroom door.  You can imagine how many times she has just laid right in front of the bathroom door here lately.  Sometimes she even whines when I close the door.  I am not sure if she is mothering me and this is her form of care taking, but it's just presh.  IDK, maybe she knows these are the last days of her being the Baby Dog.  Maybe she is trying to soak up all she can.

Well, I say let her.  I love it and I love that furry, loud snoring, booty wagging, mean girl howling, bowing on command, sweet faced baby girl.  I can take all the attention she wants to give. I just hopes she can't feel the guilt I have of waiting for seven posts to express my love for Maddy.

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